Long time, no blog?! I have to feel inspired to write. I journal daily. Sadly enough, half the time that ends up being in the "notes" section of my iPhone. And, unfortunately, those thoughts are kept to myself. Every once in a while (not nearly enough because I am so private), I get inspired with thoughts and feelings that I'd like to share with all of you.
I went to see the movie "Silver Linings Playbook" last night. I mean this when I say that EVERYONE should see this movie. Between the dark sense of humor and the harsh reality of life slapping you in the face, I loved it. It depicted real, fucked up things our minds can do to us. It makes us "different" people, feel semi normal and, like I have always believed, proves that there is a silver lining to any crappy situation. My favorite quote from the movie is this "The world will break your heart 10 ways 'til Sunday, that's guaranteed. And I can't begin to explain that or the craziness inside myself and everybody else...but guess what...I think of everything everyone did for me and I feel like a very lucky guy".
I have spent the past few months relishing in some alone time. It's nice to be able to refocus on myself and my goals without having any other person to consider (selfish...ah...blasphemy!). I have been practicing yoga for almost five years now. It was in August of 2010 that I started to practice more frequently. I used it as an emotional, and physical outlet. After some deliberation and consulting with some of my yogi friends and mentors, I have decided to do an intensive training that will allow me to be a registered yoga teacher. I will be finished at the end of April. I am so excited to start this journey. It was will be nice to have something to channel all of my energy into and to be able to see my mind and body gain from an experience I commit to whole-heartedly.
I am terrible at planning. I like to go along with a plan, but the actual planning process is not in my genetic make-up. I've found, when you are busy making plans, the Universe is making plans for you, so I usually relinquish all planning to the Universe (or my dear friends ;). With this yoga training, everything aligned. The timing was perfect. It's a definitive point in my life. Sometimes, I think we put too much stress on where we are in life, at least I do. Like, I need to figure it out at this very moment. But there is a natural process and progression to life; a series of steps we need to walk through in order to reach the prizes along the way. There are ups, there are downs, and there are periods of lulls. But it's through these moments that life is unfolding its' mysteries. I think we just have to move forward with the faith that our stories are going to work out. And not the way we expect it to...but better. Much better. There's a greater plan to it all. So keep walking, keep living, and don't forget the direction of your dreams. I know I'm not.
Thank you to all of you who love and support me....I breathe because of you.